Weapon Elements

Characters can equip weapons. All weapons have a required level that a character must reach, in order to equip them.

Common – Uncommon – Rare. Epic and legendary will be included later as more powerful weapons.

This is the basic stat for every weapon. It is added to the basic damage of the character.

Weapons have a type, melee and ranged. Melee weapons are more muscle/speed oriented, while Ranged weapons are more brains oriented.

Weapons have an attack speed (4 types: slow, normal, fast, and very fast / 2 more will be included: very slow and ooga fast). A weapon’s attack speed is influencing the attack speed of the character, either positively or negatively. Normal attack speed has no effect on a caveman’s attack or movement speed.

Positive attack speed does not count as movement speed. Slow attack speed decreases caveman's both attack and movement speed:

Slow: -10% attack speed and -1 movement speed

Normal: no effect

Fast: +10% attack speed

Very fast: +20% attack speed

Weapons may have none, 1 or 2 effects in battle, usually with % that something occurs, for example stun, critical damage, or block damage. Epic and Legendary may have up to 3 or 4 effects.

Released Weapons Examples